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Bedfordshire Golf Club

Reciprocal Golf

Bedfordshire Golf Club is part of a local Reciprocal Golf Network which allows Members to play golf at other clubs for a significantly reduced green fee. Members are reminded that reciprocal agreements remain in place with several other local clubs as detailed below:

01280 815566
£10 Weekdays and £15 Weekends

Dunstable Downs
01582 604472
Members Guest Rate

01536 511104
£15 Weekdays only

Leighton Buzzard
01525 244800
£10 Mon – Thurs

01525 840252
£10 Mon – Thurs

South Beds
01582 591500
£10 Weekdays and £15 Weekends
*Not available from November 2023 to end of February 2024

St Neots
01480 472363
£10 Weekdays and £15 Weekends

Visitors to Bedfordshire Golf Club

  • Will be permitted to play weekdays after 11.00 am and weekends after 15:00hrs, subject to course availability and unless stated otherwise.
  • Will be limited to a daily maximum total use of 6 x 4 ball slots per day.
  • No more than 8 players per day from a single club will be accepted.
  • Able to book maximum of 14 days in advance
  • Must have phoned before the visit to ascertain availability.
  • Must bring a letter of introduction from their home club. This should state the handicaps of all the visitors
  • Will Not be afforded courtesy unless they have pre-booked and have a letter of introduction from their home club.
  • Will not be able to use these reciprocal arrangements if attending as part of a Society.
  • Will be honorary members of BGC for the day and will be welcome to use our facilities and expected to obey all Club rules.
  • Dress rules of BGC will be strictly adhered to.

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